I’m Mindy Peltier and I’ve always been obsessed with words.
When I was about five years old my Dad brought me a present when he came home from a business trip. It was a chapter book with no pictures. I was disappointed and pouted, “But, it has no pictures.”
My wise dad answered, “But it has words. And when you learn to read words you won’t need pictures.”
Dad was right. With that gift he passed on a love for reading.
My mom is also an avid reader. Dad built floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and Mom kept them well- supplied. She never fussed when I stayed up too late reading, because she understood the magical escape a book could bring.
And early on, the passion for reading was joined with a passion for writing.
In 3rd grade I wrote a Thanksgiving play for the class to perform and learned words could make history come alive. When my 5th grade teacher brought my essay called “The Tongue” to the teacher’s lounge I learned words could inspire laughter.
In 7th grade I went to Bible camp for the first time, collected a few pen-pals, and discovered how words could bind hearts across the miles. When I was hired as a reporter for the local newspaper in high school, I learned that writing could help.
Words can hurt or heal. My passions are still history, hearts, helping, and healing.
I’ve been married to Scott for 33 years. He’s my best friend, cheerleader, hand-holder, burden-bearer, and strength. He is my rock, because He stands on the Rock.
We raised six kids together and are the proud present-and-candy bestowing grandparents of six grandkids. I’m always amazed at how quickly my children grew up, because I still don’t consider myself a grown-up.
- I love to play, giggle, snack, tease, laugh, whisper, and eat candy.
- I love sleeping in tents and forts.
- I love jumping on my bed and running barefoot outside.
- I love the beach, the library, and the toy aisle.
When the Lord moved our family to the Pacific Northwest fifteen years ago, I was thrilled and amazed to discover a Christian writing group met four blocks from my house. I’ve been a member of Northwest Christian Writers Association since 2008, and have served on the board of directors as Secretary, Resource Coordinator, President, and Assistant Conference Director.
In January of 2015 I directed the WriteTech conference, an event dedicated to educating writers in the areas of social media, marketing, and writing tools.
I started this blog with the goal to write daily.
And you know what I wanna’ be when I grow up? A novelist.