Everything you need to know is in the Bible.
Everything you need to hear is in the Bible.
Everything you need to believe is in the Bible.
It was written before you were born,
so just at the right time,
just when you need it most,
it was already written down.
An older Christian man who has greatly impacted our family calls the Bible
God’s Love Letter to Us.
He is so right.
God writes His love for us on every page.
The first mention in the Scriptures is always important.
Genesis 22:2
Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac,
whom you love,
and go to the land of Moriah,
and offer him there as a burnt offering.”
A beloved son, who acted in loving obedience to his father.
From the beginning, love was proven with sacrifice,
From the beginning, love was proven with sacrifice,
and this sacrificial love foreshadowed the death of our dear Savior.
In the end of the Bible,
the last mention of love,
speaks of love for the Savior that is so great,
lives were lost for Him.
Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death.
We haven’t been called to physically die for the Lord,
but we can be
living martyrs.
His sacrificial love can strengthen our hearts so greatly
we can endure suffering for Him.
Can you love Him
in all things,
through all things,
for all things,
and because of all things?
Because, remember, He loves you deeply.
It would be enough that the Lord loved us.
It would be enough that the Lord died for us.
But to know the Lord died for us
because He loved us
is almost inconceivable.
Then, when our heart squeaks out any returning love for Him,
and we can only love because He first loved us,
He rewards our miserly love towards Him.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endures temptation:
for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Notice that loving Him is linked with enduring temptation?
Does that tell you what we need to be focusing on
during times that try men’s souls?
We should be reveling in His great love for us
and loving Him in return.
He showed sacrificial love in dying for us.
We can show sacrificial love in living for Him,
especially during our trials.
At the end, when we receive that crown,
we will have something to cast at His Holy Feet
in praise and adoration,
for upholding us through our trials.
When life is hard,
keep reading your Bible.
keep reading your Bible.
His Love for you is written on every page.
It is interesting the way the Lord works. Yesterday the message was on Love. Excellent message and very convicting and motivating. Then I read your post and got reinforcement. 🙂 Marilyn
It is interesting the way the Lord works. Yesterday the message was on Love. Excellent message and very convicting and motivating. Then I read your post and got reinforcement. 🙂 Marilyn
Loved this reminder! It's so easy to skim over the greatest theme of the Bible – God's great love for us! Thanks for such a beautiful reminder.
Loved this reminder! It's so easy to skim over the greatest theme of the Bible – God's great love for us! Thanks for such a beautiful reminder.
Thanks Mindy…I need to do that more!
Thanks Mindy…I need to do that more!
Mindy, you have great understanding. Thanks for sharing it with all of us who read your words.
Mindy, you have great understanding. Thanks for sharing it with all of us who read your words.
Beautiful, truthful thoughts, thanks, Mindy! And thank You, Lord.
Beautiful, truthful thoughts, thanks, Mindy! And thank You, Lord.