On the first day of our vacation,
we were a little surprised to have visitors on our balcony,
since our room was on the 23rd floor.
We made the foolish mistake
of feeding them.
They came each morning after that,
expecting to be fed.
There are no screen doors, so by the second day,
they would come right into our room
to peck around for their breakfast.
If we weren’t serving breakfast,
they would fly next door
and the kids would feed them.
They ALWAYS had crumbs on their
balcony and floor.
These weren’t sparrows,
but it brought these verses to our hearts.
Matthew 10: 29
Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?
And not one of them falls to the ground
apart from your Father’s will.
v. 31: Do not fear,
you are of more value than many sparrows.
My husband began marveling out loud.
“These birds were sleeping in a tree.
They woke up and knew that their day
would be filled with one obective-
finding food.
They didn’t know they would be coming to this hotel
where dopes from Seattle would feed them peanuts.
They just knew they would have to find food.
If they shouldn’t worry about finding food,
then we shouldn’t worry, either.
We wake up with worries and say OH NO!
What am I going to do today?
But, the Lord doesn’t want us to worry.
He wants us to be like the birds.
Knowing that each morning they rise,
there WILL be food.”
We are foolish people, at times,
worrying about things the Lord
has already promised to provide for us.
The Lord didn’t actually
send us to Hawaii just to feed His birds
as part of His provision to them,
but He did send the birds
to feed our souls.
Jesus is all around us,
speaking His love in all things.
On this morning,
on a balcony in Hawaii,
He whispered His care for us,
through His birds.
I think about those verses often – especially during dark hours. If God cares enough for the sparrows, I know he'll care for me!Funny little story — who ever said animals were dumb didn't know what they were talking about, huh?