I was determined to clean out a junk drawer stuffed with paperwork.
Stuff I’d put off for years.
Really, years.
I’m embarrassed to say there were
unsent wedding and graduation cards,
lists I’d never accomplished,
papers to be filed,
and things procrastinated into irrelevance.
Only one paper didn’t nag me about
my inability to get stuff done.
It nagged me about something in my life
that’s way beyond my control.
It can’t be changed with organization,
diligence or
(click to enlarge)
Please understand, this isn’t a slam to the company,
they’re doing their job asa business that needs to make money,
I’m just not a good ROI (return on investment).
They provide good service and do the best they can for their customers.
Getting turned down for life insurance was another reminder
of something I have to wake up to every day~
I have cancer,
and I will never be the same again.
My doctors have assured me repeatedly that
I won’t die from the cancer,
I will die with it.
But carrying the cancer burden on my back for the
rest of the journey can be a little wearing.
To my insurance company,
I’m not worth investing in because I’m damaged goods.
It’s the punch-in-the-gut reality for many that suffer chronic illness.
I’m so thankful the insurance company isn’t determining my value
at the end of my life, the Lord Jesus takes on that job.
In the end I will stand before the Man
whose love for me written is in the palms of His hands,
at the Judgement Seat of Christ,
where believers deeds are judged by fire and rewarded.
The flames of suffering on earth
should be preparing us for the flames of judgement.
Sounds harsh?
It isn’t.
Do you think an Olympic gold medalist
earned that reward with a comfortable, self-indulging life?
Trials come to all on earth,
saved and unsaved.
The only difference is that after life on earth,
believers go home to Heaven and be in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
In addition, we get rewarded for our service on earth.
Unbelievers spend the rest of their eternity in torment,
apart from Christ, with no rewards.
That should give us a little better mindset to face our trials.
Since I’ve been given the fiery trial of cancer on earth,
I don’t want the testing fire to reveal wood, hay and stubble.
I want a huge payoff of gold, silver and precious stones,
bigger than the value assigned by my insurance company.
bigger than the value assigned by my insurance company.
Although He wore a crown of thorns,
He offers glorious crowns for His people.
I’m working for the crown of life for loving Him.
I’d also like the crown of righteousness for loving His appearing
and the crown of glory.
When the flames of trials are lapping at my heels,
and the world has devalued me because of my suffering
I remind myself, that someday,
I’ll be rewarded for my cancer,
if I remain faithful.
Sounds like a great ROI to me.
Wow, what your doctor said…I am thankful that Jesus has infused you with the mind of Christ and that you know who gives you the victory each day.May He bless you, fill you (asking for extra joy for you) and keep you!Kimmiemama to 8one homemade and 7 adopted
Wow, what your doctor said…I am thankful that Jesus has infused you with the mind of Christ and that you know who gives you the victory each day.May He bless you, fill you (asking for extra joy for you) and keep you!Kimmiemama to 8one homemade and 7 adopted
from one thyroid chick to another — you are an inspiration
from one thyroid chick to another — you are an inspiration
Oh Mindy, you carry such a burden and you carry it with such graciousness, yet you are willing to let us see your vulnerability too. You are a beacon that points us directly to Jesus. Thank you for sharing with us. I pray this new year is loaded with good Dr. reports and strength for the journey.
Oh Mindy, you carry such a burden and you carry it with such graciousness, yet you are willing to let us see your vulnerability too. You are a beacon that points us directly to Jesus. Thank you for sharing with us. I pray this new year is loaded with good Dr. reports and strength for the journey.
Amen…Marantha! And thanks for the encouragement to keep pressing on..Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Amen…Marantha! And thanks for the encouragement to keep pressing on..Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Always trying to encourage others through your own sadness or discouraging things. Thank you for sharing Mindy. 🙂 You inspire me over and over again to look for the good in things. I think of you often and determine to change my attitude because of it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!Bleh! Insurance! Frustrating business!!
Always trying to encourage others through your own sadness or discouraging things. Thank you for sharing Mindy. 🙂 You inspire me over and over again to look for the good in things. I think of you often and determine to change my attitude because of it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!Bleh! Insurance! Frustrating business!!
Sure don't know how people do it without the Lord. You are an inspiration. :)Blessings.
Sure don't know how people do it without the Lord. You are an inspiration. :)Blessings.
MM…you brought me to tears tonight, my bloggy world friend. That is so beautiful.
MM…you brought me to tears tonight, my bloggy world friend. That is so beautiful.