Dipped pretzels are a sweet, easy-to-make Christmas treat, perfect for introducing small children to holiday baking. Buy a bag of the smaller twist pretzels and a package of white chocolate, like CandiQuik.
Test the pretzels for flavor while your Mom is melting the white chocolate in the microwave.
Using a fork, dip the pretzels half-way or completely in the melted white chocolate.
Lay them on parchment paper or waxed paper, then cover with sprinkles.
Lick your finger enough that the sprinkles stick to them.
The more sprinkles, the better. Mountains of sprinkles is the best.
You can also set the freshly dipped pretzels on the paper,
then lick all the white chocolate off.
Keep licking each pretzel until all the white stuff is gone,
and only a soggy pretzel remains.
Leave lotsa sprinkles on your face so your Mommy and your friend, Mrs. Mindy, think you are
Since I was so busy taking pics of Norah and Avery, I totally forgot to take any pictures of my own dear daughter, Rebekah. Read Kelly-Across-the-Street’s blog on the holiday experience here.
As you can see from this blog, having kids in the kitchen is
messy and
did I mention messy?
But, you won’t reap if you won’t sow. I start my kids as soon as they are old enough to pour something into a bowl, or at least get the majority of the substance from the measuring cup into the bowl.
Sometimes they stirred.
Sometimes they held the mixer with me. Sometimes they held the mixer on their own and coated my ceiling with batter droppings.
Sometimes they put the cupcake liners in the pan. Sometimes they dropped them on the floor.
But, my kids were in the kitchen from the earliest time possible.
And, from their earliest years I have been cleaning up unbelievable messes.
But, you don’t reap unless you sow. This past week I cooked ONCE. I enjoyed Indian butter chicken, homemade pizza, and taco soup. Even our guest made an awesome steak dinner with spinach salad.
And, I am still cleaning pizza dough from the cupboards and cannisters, drips of tomato sauce from the side of the stove, and trying to get the spills scraped off under the burners before they catch on fire…..again.
There’s a few years of cleaning and instructing before you reap the benefits of the effort, but it it totally and deliciously, worth it. The dipped pretzels prove my point.
Very cute pictures….had to laugh about the kids licking the coating off 🙂
These remind me of animal crackers with the "yogurt"/sugar white stuff and the sprinkles. So tasty. 😛
Yes, once they are allowed to harden with the chocolate, they are always a favorite and the kids eat the whole thing – even kids who don't like pretzels.
Great pics, Mindy!These sowing times can be great fun and some wonderful memories. You are right, when we finally reap it is great. Having dinner made for me is one of my delights in life, and seeing my girls cooking for their own families is a blessing, too.Do the kids actually eat the pretzel? Mine are not keen of them, but of course chocolate is always a winner!