Our final follow-up visit with the surgeon, Doc M, was this morning. I asked Scott to be the photographer. I don’t think I really knew what I was getting myself into.
The wait was pretty long. Scott was starting to get antsy. We began joking if he could bill the doctor for the time he spent waiting for him.
Besides, he threw in an extra cancer tumor with no extra charge.
Who doesn’t love that?
I’m trying to be stern with Scott and encourage him to be a good boy and wait patiently.
This is the scenery outside the window; he held his arms up over his head and clicked randomly.
Well, almost over his head.
Yes, Scott touched them.
He thinks they were for looks.
He swears he saw rust on them.
Oh, NO! The Sharps Disposable Container is Full!
Alert the Haz-Mat Team!
This is the door Scott kept staring at while waiting for Doc M.
Once inside the door, though, Doc M. patiently answered all our questions. Sometimes I need to hear the answers more than once. It is one thing to hear the Doc say something and you smile and nod through it; it is another thing to be able to coherently repeat that information later on.
My previous Doc said to me once, “If you need to ask me any more questions, you will have to make another appointment.” Of course, he always ran his office on time, but there was a cost for the punctuality. Today Doc M informed us that the appointments are scheduled for as long as we need. It could take 5 minutes, it could take 30. However, we have to understand that policy not only when we are the ones asking the questions, but when we are the ones in the waiting room. He also patiently let me ask a repeat question without saying, “You asked me that last time,” like I have heard before.
I like my new Doc.
He said my scar was healing well, all was fine and we discussed the Radioactive Iodine treatment I will be going through in September. He was glad I was doing well, but also reminded me that he can’t guarantee that he found all the cancer. He said he didn’t want to have to see me in there again for another surgery, but that is a possibility we have to understand.
We thanked him for being so blunt. We are finally clear, after four years of dealing with thyroid cancer, that this could be a lifetime situation for us. Could be. We are leaving this in the hands of the Lord.
My only disappointment was that he didn’t know the number of stitches I had. I had to ask! I told him it was for bragging rights, because I am a writer. He told me, with a puzzled look on his face, that he thinks they only do that in the movies. He thought I should just measure it instead.
Using the bright red tape measure from my sewing cabinet, I attempted this fete alone.
6 inches
That didn’t sound like much to brag about. I had the brilliant idea of measuring my entire neck. It is about 12 1/2 inches.
Now, that is something to brag about. The scar covers about one half of my neck.
Job knew what it was like to have the Lord dealing with his neck.
Job 16: 12 “I was at ease, but He has shattered me: He has also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his target.” Job suffered tremendously, but never lost faith, then was doubly blessed by the Lord.
It can be very hard for the human mind to grasp the concept of suffering, especially suffering that is caused or allowed by the God of Heaven.
I have been blessed with simple thoughts of understanding.
Psalm 115:3 says, “Our God is in the Heavens, He does whatever He pleases.” He can do this. He is GOD.
Then, Isaiah 53 tells us “it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.” (the Lord Jesus Christ) This was because He was offering His Son as payment for our sins. Ours, as in all mankind – each and every one of us. It was a horrible tragedy for a wonderful gain. Through Christ’s suffering, we can gain salvation.
It pleased the Lord to bruise the Lord Jesus; I am willing to be bruised, too. Well, actually, scarred, with a six inch scar that covers almost half of my neck.
What is the ultimate thing we have to remember? This God who allows suffering, who allowed His Son to suffer for our salvation, LOVES US.
My scar testifies to me of the Love of God towards me.
If the Lord Jesus can wear the print of the nails in His Hands,
I can wear the print of His Love on my neck.
God has blessed you with an amazing talent. My Chapel has been praying for you through your surgery! I was thankful to get a chance to read and enjoy your blog… Keep up the good work and thank you for the gentle reminder that God loves us even as the rain falls in our everyday life.
Thanks for those encouraging words. God has been gracious and is definitely doing a work in me. Glad things are going so well, and can’t wait to hear about that writers conference. I’d love to read a book written by you. 🙂
Hi there,I am also dealing with thyroid cancer. First surgery July 2008, second in January 2009. How many surgeries have you had? Just curious as you mentioned four years.BTW, your scar beats mine in length! Mine is only five inches… :)Would love to connect with you more. Glad that I found your blog. Mine is: http://www.charlcie.blogspot.com. I started it last year after being diagnosed.
Very good thoughts… on a lighter note- You tell Scott I think he wanted that pic of the top of his FULL head of hair in their on purpose! Very impressive at his age. 😉 Dan reminds me alot of him.