Instructions need to be broken down into simple bites we can easily digest.
When my husband purchased a new sewing machine for me, the instruction manual was SO complicated, I couldn’t use it. I have been sewing for 40 years, but the words were unintelligible. I had to drive to the place of purchase with my machine and ask for help.
I like little words in little sentences. Like most moms, I don’t get a lot of sleep and daily lose brain cells. They seem to fall out of my brain like change out of a pants pocket with a hole.
Complicated rules are not only hard to understand, they’re hard to follow.
Why did my husband lose his job?
Why am I so sick?
Why did I lose a child?
These are very real agonies and deserve sympathy, prayers and tears. But, we cannot face these things with unbelief, we need to trust Him.
We do not know what the future holds, and we do not know the fruit this trial may produce. If God told you ahead of time souls would be saved if He could test you for a season, what would you say?
The Lord causes and allows all things in our lives.
What happens to us is because God planned it for our good, or He allowed it for our testing, which is also for our good. When we accept this, we will stop swimming upstream and allow the healing waters to pull us downstream to a place of maturity.
It’s the only place to start.
(We’ll continue tomorrow with rule “leave it with the Lord.”)
I’m linking this series with Spiritual Sundays. Click your way over for some spiritual encouragement from other faith bloggers.
Hi Mindy,This is my first visit to your blog; I certainly enjoyed your words of encouragement."Traumas happen, trials happen, life is hard. We can react wrongly to our circumstances, thinking if only God understood, if only He really knew, He wouldn't have allowed this to come to pass. He might change His mind if He only understood yours." — I know I've had these thoughts. I may not have verbalized them, but they were there.The truth is God does understand, as you say, "He is not surprised by your struggles, nor does He rejoice to see your suffer. He loves you…He has plans that are not your plans, and ways that are not your ways." — I'm so thankful for this.Blessings and peace.MTJ
Hi Mindy,This is my first visit to your blog; I certainly enjoyed your words of encouragement."Traumas happen, trials happen, life is hard. We can react wrongly to our circumstances, thinking if only God understood, if only He really knew, He wouldn't have allowed this to come to pass. He might change His mind if He only understood yours." — I know I've had these thoughts. I may not have verbalized them, but they were there.The truth is God does understand, as you say, "He is not surprised by your struggles, nor does He rejoice to see your suffer. He loves you…He has plans that are not your plans, and ways that are not your ways." — I'm so thankful for this.Blessings and peace.MTJ
Wonderful reminder that the Word of God is alive and that no matter what GOD IS IN CONTROL! Thank you for a sweet Spiritual Sunday for this Sandwich Generation granny nanny 🙂
Wonderful reminder that the Word of God is alive and that no matter what GOD IS IN CONTROL! Thank you for a sweet Spiritual Sunday for this Sandwich Generation granny nanny 🙂
This is so true for me as well.God Bless,Ginger
This is so true for me as well.God Bless,Ginger
Thank you for sharing your lessons learned with us. I had to smile about the example of the sewing machine instructions. My husband has always said they need to make instructions so easy anyone could follow them but most of the time they are so complicated no one can figure them out. Blessings for a wonderful week ahead.Charlotte
Thank you for sharing your lessons learned with us. I had to smile about the example of the sewing machine instructions. My husband has always said they need to make instructions so easy anyone could follow them but most of the time they are so complicated no one can figure them out. Blessings for a wonderful week ahead.Charlotte
great nuggets of truth
great nuggets of truth
Thank you for passing on the nuggets! I needed to hear this, can't wait to hear #2!!
Thank you for passing on the nuggets! I needed to hear this, can't wait to hear #2!!
What a gift from God is your friend John. Thanks for passing on the wisdom. How true it is!
What a gift from God is your friend John. Thanks for passing on the wisdom. How true it is!
Love rule #1! Also your comment about brain cells falling out like pocket change! 🙂
Love rule #1! Also your comment about brain cells falling out like pocket change! 🙂
Excellent! I can't wait for nugget #2!
Excellent! I can't wait for nugget #2!