Have you ever been
for no reason?
A spirit of ugliness settles over you and you can’t trace its origin?
You check the calendar, and can’t blame it on that.
Your husband hasn’t left his unders or towel on the floor,
so you can’t blame him.
The tires on the car are not flat,
there were no scratches from the cat,
the milk is not sour,
there’s no bugs in the flour,
nobody threw up during the night,
the kids didn’t pick a fight,
you didn’t bounce a check,
the kids weren’t a pain in the neck,
nobody forgot a dentist appointment,
your hubby is not a disappointment,
your good scissors are not missing,
the furnace is not hissing,
your last piece of gum is still there,
the rain didn’t ruin your hair,
you are
My sister and I found a root cause of the
a few years back.
She was having one of those days.
She was irritated and frustrated with her six kids she normally adores.
Really, she is an amazing mommy.
Her day was so bad, in fact,
she didn’t feel like praying or reading.
As we talked on the phone and she described her day,
I felt a punch in my gut,
and not from my sister,
but from the enemy.
It had been a day I really, really needed prayer.
I don’t remember what the exact circumstances,
if it had to do with my cancer, or a relationship, or a counselling situation,
but I had felt a strong need to be surrounded with praying saints.
While I was needy, Satan kicked us both where it hurt.
My sister and I talked more,
comparing notes about crabby days.
(from Bing images)
I had experienced the
earlier in the week.
It was a day my sister needed to be upheld in prayer.
I failed her.
I was too crabby to read or pray.
We didn’t use this situation to point accusing fingers at one another,
but to recognize the work of the accuser of the brethren.
Now, when we get a case of the
we fight it off with is this prayer,
“Father, who needs my prayer today?
Who is the enemy trying to leave unprotected?”
It is spiritual warfare,
and we cannot fight with crabs in our hands,
we need weapons.
Most of us are familiar with the armor of God
in Ephesians 6.
But, do you know WHAT we do after we put on the armor?
“…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end
with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…”
Fight off those
so you can
more tears . . .
My friend and I call is "shopping for a new pair of pants…grumpy pants"
I used to get so mad when I would wake up for no "good reason" in the middle of the night. Recently, I decided that I needed to pray during those times until I fell back to sleep. One morning, I emailed a friend to see how she was. She had been on my heart, so I prayed for her at 0-dark-thirty in the morning, when I could't get back to sleep. She said that at that very time, she was in the middle of a BIG deal issue. I got goosebumps all over.
wow. This is really good.
Thanks Mindy for being honest and true in your blog. We love you for it!Sometimes when these days happen it's easy for me to start down the path of self-pity. It's all about me. Hmm…. really? JesusOthersYouWhat a wonderful way to spell JOY!Instead I should do your suggestion and shut down myself and open up to God in prayer for others instead.
Really good post. Thanks.
Hi, I am Jessie's Sis in law…Mary. What a beautiful post to remember that when we are in "those" days that there is something bigger at hand. Love the thought of satan- who are you trying to keep me from praying for today…I had not thought of that.
totally having that kind of day today…thank you so much for your post. I'm going to go pray now 🙂
OK that has to be the best crab picture Ive ever seen! Satan is so good at sneaking in when we are off guard. Im so glad we have authority over his influence.
Thank you for such an enlightening post! We have all probably been sidetracked and can't figure out what is wrong. May we always be diligent and alert to hindrances that seek to limit the effectiveness of our highest calling to our families. Great post!
Back when I was feeling "so sick" – last month or so.I'd have friends call me – just to see how I was doing and then they'd pray.I COULD REALLY FEEL THOSE PRAYERS!!It's tempting to say "ah, it's just in my head that I feel better – just because I KNOW some one is praying". But NO. I FEEL them. There is a difference.This is good. There are a lot of days that I get the JBC's. Too quickly – I want to blame it on hormones, though. I think I need to be a bit more serious and intentional in walking out Eph. 6