Doesn’t our little Weapon of Mass Destruction look innocent? Our granddaughter was just getting started with her plan to bring every toy in the house into the living room.
The mess got worse, but I find it so adorable. Must be a Gwamma thing.
It WASN’T a Momma thing in our house!
“Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother.” ~Edward H. Dreschnack
I thought it was so cute that Brookie remembered which drawer held her sippy cups, monkey dishes, and toddler-sized silverware.
“Women over 50 don’t have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them. ” unknown
I didn’t realize she was keeping her full sippy cup in here, too. Grandpa will be fixing the drawer this week.
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. “~Marcy DeMaree
Oh, poor Brookie! Now she can’t play with Gramma’s antique playpen anymore. Grandpa will be fixing the playpen this week.
“Grandchildren are spoiled because you can’t spank the Grandma!” unknown
By the way, if you’re ever missing your shoes at our house, follow the trail of toys. I’m sure you’ll eventually find them.
“Grandma, I want to follow in your footsteps because you are following the footsteps of Jesus.” unknown
Isn’t this sweet? Brookie climbing on the table like a good, little granddaughter.
“Perfect love sometimes does not come until grandchildren are born.” ~Welsh Proverb~
Great post, Mindy! I can identify completely! Being a grandmother has been a great experience for me. I thought my heart was full with love for my children but yet, there is room for these precious darlings as well. I too am much less strict with the grandchildren. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff 🙂
Oh, what memories this brings back. Adorable pictures, adorable grandchild. Lucky you!