To celebrate the first day of the new year and new decade, we took the family to Museum of Flight.
Now, I have a hard time holding her up as a hero to my daughters. She championed some women’s causes, but failed in areas of womanhood that I hold important, based on the Word of God.
She wasn’t rejecting America’s standards for marriage, she was rejecting the Lord’s. He set boundaries on marriage, one man to one woman until death, asking for purity beforehand and faithfulness during. This isn’t old-fashioned, it is obedience to the Lord, and is meant for our blessing. By rejecting His standards, the Bible, she is also rejecting Him.
Wow. What a sad eye opening piece of history. As I started reading I was thinking it was going to be from a man going off to war. Still awful to read, but something so unnatural and heartless from the hand and heart of a woman.Glad the tour was great though.