Most of us are pretty tired.
We’ve celebrated our guts out.
We’re also facing the reality that there
is as much clean-up after the holidays,
as there is preparation before the holidays.
School is starting again soon,
and that means a lot of work for all moms.
Winter can drag on and on,
and sometimes the hardest months to face
are January and February.
We need to face the end of a year
and the beginning of a new year
with fresh spiritual courage.
Galatians 6:9-10
And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Therefore, as we have opportunity,
let us do good to all,
especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Women love to bless others in their families,
their neighborhoods, their churches and their schools.
After a time of exertion and service,
it’s easy to look to our own flesh and our own needs,
and feel we need relief from our responsibilities.
Relax, yes.
Simplify, yes.
Nap, yes.
Eat healthy again, yes.
Renew in the Word, yes.
Refresh in prayer, yes.
Just don’t get weary,
do not become utterly spiritless, exhausted and faint-hearted
facing the spiritual tasks the Lord has given you
as a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, Bible study leader,
Sunday school teacher, etc.
Do not be an easy target for the enemy,
but be strong in the Lord
and in the power of His might!
The Lord is looking for ways to encourage you,
uphold you,
renew you,
strengthen you
for what is ahead.
Just look for His tender ways and listen for His small, still Voice.
One morning, my daughter Rebekah brought in this tray.
She wanted to be sure I was eating healthy,
and wouldn’t skip breakfast.
It was just one of the ways the Lord chose to bless me
and renew my courage,
when I was feeling I had nothing left to give.
I have to keep on, and not grow faint, because
people are watching and imitating.
Let’s not drag our weary bodies into the new year,
and throw them exhausted over the finish line.
At the end of a race, runners dig down deep into their fatigued bodies,
and somehow find that kick they need,
to finish the race strong.
Keep on, sisters!
Let’s not be weary,
and keep looking for opportunities to bless and serve others.
Wonderful post. Thank you for the encouragement. Yes, weariness has been creeping up on me and I feel like crawling in bed and pulling the covers over my head and crying out, "I'm weary of doing good! Can I just let someone else do it for a while?"
Wonderful post. Thank you for the encouragement. Yes, weariness has been creeping up on me and I feel like crawling in bed and pulling the covers over my head and crying out, "I'm weary of doing good! Can I just let someone else do it for a while?"
YES!…and thanks for this post. Today, I got together with a few other homeschool moms while our kids (10 total) ransacked a brave woman's house. Just fellowshipping with them really lifted my spirits.
YES!…and thanks for this post. Today, I got together with a few other homeschool moms while our kids (10 total) ransacked a brave woman's house. Just fellowshipping with them really lifted my spirits.
you are just so sweet. thank you for the edification sweet Mindy.xoxo
you are just so sweet. thank you for the edification sweet Mindy.xoxo
Thank you so much for this post!!!! I have been singing these verses (thank you Hide em in your heart) and really love them! It is so easy to grow weary as a woman and this was a good encouragement to keep on! Miss you lots! We are having a very lazy week as I don't have work and Aaron doesn't have school. Skype some night please?!
Thank you so much for this post!!!! I have been singing these verses (thank you Hide em in your heart) and really love them! It is so easy to grow weary as a woman and this was a good encouragement to keep on! Miss you lots! We are having a very lazy week as I don't have work and Aaron doesn't have school. Skype some night please?!