In a previous post, after expressing my frustration with my current medical providers, I enumerated my lowered-standard requirements for a new endocrinologist.
1. Nice
2. Nice nurse
3. Not so busy
4. Female
5. Remember me
After procrastinating too long, I finally called my insurance for a list of local female endocrinologists on the preferred providers list. There was only one.
It made the decision easier. I called the receptionist and began asking questions, then made an appointment. I only had to book out three WEEKS, not three MONTHS. Once I am an established patient, a follow-up visit can be arranged within about three DAYS. When I had a few more questions the receptionist couldn’t answer, she took my name and phone number.
The doctor returned the call within an hour. She was NICE. The most amazing thing to me was that she asked me questions about my health and history. Then, she began asking me other questions.
“Have you ever had your bone density checked?”
“Have you ever had your estrogen checked?”
She asked about other testing and I always had to answer no. The thyroid part had always been well taken care of. I appreciated my past doctors medical expertise, but not their bedside manner, nor their unwillingness to treat me as a WHOLE PERSON, not just a THYROID. They never had any advice for the side-effects of my thyroid hormone, aging and facing menopause without my master-gland.
In a 20 minute conversation, I very clearly understood that Dr. G was concerned about the effects of high thyroid/low TSH on my body over the years, and concerned about my over-all health, not just the thyroid levels.
She admitted she might not be the most expertise in my particular cancer, but that she would be an advocate for me.
Before she hung up, she said she was looking forward to meeting me, wished me well, and called me by MY NAME.
After our call ended, I cried. I have so been craving nurturing along with my doctoring, and I may have found it. It looks good so far, in the first encounter, she met all five of my lowered expectations. But, I get the feeling that I will be able to raise the bar and she will still meet expectations.
I will continue to ask the Lord to guide and direct me to the right health care providers. More importantly than that, I pray that I will be used for His glory and honor in my sufferings.
What a privilege to have Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayer. He is only a whisper, an aching heart, an agonizing tear away.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.
Prayer is the answer to every problem there is…. Prayer imparts the power to walk and not faint.–Oswald Chambers
Call unto Him, He’ll answer.
Oh the power of prayer! He is faithful! Praise the Lord! I'm rejoicing w/ you on this one! And if I were ever your nurse Mindy I would be a nice nurse. I always cringe every time I encounter not nice nurses and I'm so sorry you've had to have those experiences. So blessed by this post!
The Lord is Faithful!! I am praying for you.Marilyn k
Mindy, I cried too, just reading this. I was going over a poem this morning, and your post reminded me of it, so I want to share it with you:I cannot guess the future.The past I cannot change.My present situation I cannot rearrange.My life is full of questionsI cannot understand,But God my Father tells me,My times are in His hand.
That is amazing. I'll pray she is as good as she sounds. I know how much of a difference it can make. There is nothing to describe how vulnerable you feel when you don't know exactly what is wrong with you.