There’s nothing better than a drink of cold water on a hot day.
If you really think about it, nagging your kids to stay hydrated is Biblical.
Well, maybe not the nagging, but providing cold water for them is.
Matthew 10:42
And whoever…gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink,
truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”
OK, I might be stretching the application a little, but when I found this baby at a thrift store while shopping with my son Daniel, I knew I needed it.
Red, vintage, useful to keep water cold, what else could a woman want for her camping supplies?
I experimented freezing cups of water that fit perfectly in the opening. Each block of ice was slipped into a sandwich bag, then all into a gallon bag. I didn’t want them to stick together.
It worked!
I had cold water the entire 90degree day.
I proved my hunch, the colder the water the more the kids drank.
Yea, I was Biblical without nagging.
As a new believer, another cold water verse was introduced to me.
Revelation 3:16
So because you are lukewarm,
and neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of My mouth
It was explained that God wanted me either hot, as in on fire for the Lord, or cold, as in not on fire for the Lord, but not lukewarm.
This didn’t make sense to me.
Why would the Lord want people to walk for Him or against Him?
Every verse I read seemed to contradict this theory. But, kept hearing this explanation.
It was a young man, Scott, who cleared this up for me. He said this verse means the Lord wants us to be useful.
Cold water is useful.
It refreshes the thirsty, soothes burns, and lowers fevers.
Hot water is useful.
It makes wonderful coffee and tea. In bathing, it cleanses and soothes aching muscles. It sanitizes.
Lukewarm water is good for nothing.
You don’t want to drink it,
You don’t want to sit in it,
You don’t want to wash with it.
The Lord wants us to be useful, like cold water, refreshing and healing, or hot water, soothing and cleansing.
That vintage red cooler was so useful I intend to keep it around for a long time. That useful young man, Scott?
I kept him so long he’s vintage, too.
Now, I have two tools to help me follow Revelation 3:16.
I just don’t want the water of my life and service to be spit out…
clever momma…love your new red cooler.I think you got a little homeschool lesson in here too ;)Kimmiemama to 8one homemade and 7 adopted
clever momma…love your new red cooler.I think you got a little homeschool lesson in here too ;)Kimmiemama to 8one homemade and 7 adopted
Amen, Sister!Thanks for encouraging me today. It meant so much.Have a wonderful day!
Amen, Sister!Thanks for encouraging me today. It meant so much.Have a wonderful day!
You are one smart momma!
You are one smart momma!