Proverbs 20:12
They know HOW to use their ears,
they like to decide WHEN to use them.
than the avalanche of words falling off your tongue.
giving monosyllabic words of affirmation,
“What did I say about _______?”
“Who did I tell you called today?”
“When are we going out to dinner with the Smiths?”
the porch light’s on,
He might still be at work.
He might be balancing the budget.
He might be planning a trip to Hawaii.
(Ya’ never know, it could happen again!)
then his ears,
then they can talk.The Lord used a different method to make a man hear.
Mark 7:31-35
“And He… put his fingers into his ears,
and he spit, and touched his tongue”
I haven’t tried that.
I thought about demanding a hearing test, but spitting is out of question.
Prior to this healing, the Lord commanded three times in Mark
“If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.”
I can joke about my husband’s ears, but mine are no different.
The words go in the ear canal, but not always into the heart.
That’s why the Lord had to give us this command.
He knew His people would have trouble listening to His Word.
Glassy-eyed, we smile and nod our way through the Scriptures,
the words tickling our eardrums, but not impacting our lives.
We should be that eager bride hanging onto every Word,
doncha’ think?
Well, doncha’?
Hey, are you listening to me?
James 1:23-25 hangs on all of our mirrors, taped there on a note card. It reminds each of us to not only HEAR God's word, but to do it! Thanks for the reminder to open my ears to hear!
James 1:23-25 hangs on all of our mirrors, taped there on a note card. It reminds each of us to not only HEAR God's word, but to do it! Thanks for the reminder to open my ears to hear!
"Glassy-eyed, we smile and nod our way through the Scriptures,the words tickling our eardrums, but not impacting our lives."Oh my, how often this is true of me. =/ Thanks for this challenge, Mindy.
"Glassy-eyed, we smile and nod our way through the Scriptures,the words tickling our eardrums, but not impacting our lives."Oh my, how often this is true of me. =/ Thanks for this challenge, Mindy.