As soon as she could grasp a pencil or coloring crayon,
my youngest daughter, Rebekah,
began leaving me love notes.
Her five older siblings also went through this stage,
I just didn’t feverishly hang onto almost every lovable scrap,
like I do now.
Knowing it is my last little one has made me
desperately obsessive.
I wish I had saved more from the other kids.
Why did I save school papers instead of love notes?
(And sometimes, during the teenage years,
it is good to have PROOF that they love you,
but I am not trying to scare you into
forbidding your children to age.)
She thinks I am beautiful.
Song of Solomon 6:4
“You are beautiful, O my love…”
She thinks about my love,
and it changes her countenance.
Her love does not change, although the seasons do.
from the hymn
-Great is Thy Faithfulness-
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.
I love the pictures she draws of me.
I always look skinny.
And, best of all,
I am always smiling.
Isn’t she nice to not draw me yelling?
Unfortunately, she has seen my tonsils more than once.
Jeremiah 31:3
“ Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”
I love hearts,
so she learned how to draw them
to give me a sea of love.
Her love to me is so constant
and so undeserved.
If I am upset,
she will come and hug me.
If I am crying,
she’ll kiss away my tears.
She tells me every day
that she loves me.
She greets me in the morning with love,
and I cannot leave the house without her kisses.
How can one so young
so beautifully demonstrate the Lord’s love for us?
This is not a daisy-petal pullin’ kind of emotion –
He loves us,
He loves us,
He loves us.
I John 4:10
“This is love, not that we loved God,
but that He loved us
and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice
for our sins.”
He left us love notes ya’ know –
66 of them.
He wrote 66 books that show how His everlasting love
outpoured to redeem our souls
and bring us home to Heaven.
We would never leave a love letter unopened,
would we?
I wish I could "Like" this post. 🙂 I love that He wrote us love notes. Oh so comforting. Thank you for reminding us.
How sweet is that?!
How lovely! What a blessing to have such a sweet child, constantly bathing you in love. I have a love note from my oldest daughter that I've kept for about 20 years. Much more precious than school papers!
Two other friends blogged on the Lord's love today. theme! Anybody else have a post on the Lord's love? Drop your link in a comment so we can continue to fellowship.
How beautiful! What wonderful letter to get from your children.
Beautiful post, Mindy! When I see you, you are always smiling!
What a blessed gift children are to us. Beautiful post! xxx
This is beautiful. I'm not crying, but almost.
Awww. Sweet Rebekah. 🙂
What a good reminder to treasure the moments of their love. So often undeserved by me.