I found a new word while reading Colossians.
I’ve read this book many times since I was saved 30 years ago,
and I know I didn’t skip this verse every time in 30 years.
The Lord has an amazing way of speaking anew to His people
each time they open His Word.
The key to hearing the Lord speak, is to open His Word.
He has plenty to say, we need to listen.
The word that caught my attention is in the King James version,
so we’ll start there.
Colossians 2:23,
“Which things have indeed a
show of wisdom
in will worship,
and humility,
and neglecting of the body;
not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh.”
The New King James Version translates the verse a little differently.
According to Online Bible will worship is defined as
“worship which one prescribes and devises for himself,
contrary to the contents and nature of faith which ought to be directed to Christ.”
In simple words, a person
wants to look wise,
worships in a way created out of their own will,
then has no way to war against the flesh.
False wisdom,
false religion and
false humility
cannot produce true holiness.
People love to make up their own rules, their own rituals and their own religion.
I’ve heard religion described as man’s attempt to reach up to God.
Salvation is God’s way of reaching down to us,
through His precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is a perfect plan of salvation
and an acceptable way to worship.
To get through the Father, we go through the Son.
Faith in Him alone is all we need to please the Father.
We don’t need to make up our own rules
about what pleases the Lord,
how to live our life for the Lord,
or what service He wants.
It’s already written down in the Bible.
That’s why we need to keep reading,
because each time,
the Lord will make His Truth known.
Instead of
“will worship,”
a self-imposed religion,
we need to determine
John 4:23
“…true worshippers shall worship the Father
in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeks such to worship Him.”
Thank you Mindy, I need to share this, its so true and you explained it so easy to understand. I love reading God’s Word just a single word can jump out at me and then its time to really dig deeper into what God is saying. Love it.
I so appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment, Cindy, I know how busy your life is. I also love your thoughts because your love of Jesus always shines through. I have loved keeping in touch through social media, although some day I long to sit and have a cup of coffee with you. Blessings to you as you love the world to Jesus!
I absolutely loved this post. It is so true. It makes me so sad when I see people thinking that religion can save them or when I see unbelievers thinking that all believers are “just religious”. It is truly about the relationship and the grace. I love it when we open the Word and read something that we’ve read over and over and the Spirit gives us a who new understanding of that word or phrase. God is good! Hope you have a wonderful day as we bless the Lord on His special day 🙂
Thank you for your encouraging comments. I so agree, I learned early after salvation to make sure my friends understood religion put the Lord Jesus on a cross, I had gained FAITH. There’s a huge difference! My husband was in Russia years ago preaching and it was the Orthodox church that was their biggest persecutor.
Thank you so much for dropping by, Bevy, I always appreciate your fellowship, even if it is through the internet!
This is really good. I’ve never thought about it this way either.
Now. I’m going to be humming that song all day, today, as well.