My ten year old daughter, Rebekah, started our summer off right by making a commitment to serve others.
She accepted this challenge from Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family’s Christian kids’ radio program, and signed up for their program called A.C.T.S. I previously blogged that “Kids Who Serve are Winners Not Whiners.” No parent wants “Mom, I’m bored!” ricocheting off their eardrums all summer.
A – A
C – Call
T – To
S – Service
We downloaded the progress chart, watched this video
about the program, and started brainstorming. (click graphics to download)
Personal inspiration needs no prodding, so follow-through would be increased if she was doing things she wanted to do, not things her mom wanted her to do.
Her own enthusiasm and imagination took off; she owned it from the beginning. When parents let go of the reins, they can be surprised by the direction their kids take.
I was thrilled to watch the creative ways she served the family, the neighborhood, and the local needy. In the first few weeks she had already completed the 12 hours of service, and hadn’t finished crossing things off her list. At first, she was thinking about winning the grand prize, a mission trip to Costa Rica with one parent, (what ten year wouldn’t think of the prize?), but then she began concentrating more on others.
Adventures in Odyssey radio programs teach kids to use their imagination to learn about history and faith, it was fun to see her imagination to come up with ways to serve.
She started by volunteering to help paint the lime green walls with two coats of primer. I liked this idea, especially since it took two coats of primer and two coats of pain to turn the lime green to a soothing gray.
When a neighbor had surgery, Rebekah enlisted the nieces and nephew to make homemade cards and cookies. I was humbled. It hadn’t even occurred to me to reach out. Brayden made some tiny cookies in the Easy Bake Oven and some big cookies in the real oven.
Brookelyn enjoyed making cards so much, she made a few for her parents.
Maddelyn enjoyed coloring her card, her fingernails and the table. She stayed on task so long, she almost colored a hole in her paper.
When they were done, Beka rallied her troop to walk to the neighbor’s house. It isn’t raining, but doesn’t every little kid love an umbrella?
The finished product looked so beautiful, they told me later they were trying to sneak the first cookies out without marring the package so the whole family could see Rebekah’s handiwork.
Other projects Rebekah has accomplished so far:
- weeded the trees for a single neighbor who works full-time and has a hard time keeping up on her garden
- babysat several times for another neighbor
- baked muffins for her older sister who had a baby
- started collecting toys, shoes and clothing for the women and children at the Gospel Mission shelter
It was hard for her to understand that serving family “counted.” But, I shared her Gramma Mary’s wisdom, “Charity begins at home” to convince her serving family teaches you to serve others.
Her big summer project is to make 30 drawstring bags for the kids at the homeless shelter. Most of the time they arrive with little or nothing. Beka plans to fill the bags with small trial size personal care items, snacks, toys, and Christian reading material. It’s a challenge coming up with items that are not gender or age specific, but it’s been a good stretch to imagine yourself in their position.
We hope to have these finished and delivered at the end of July. Then we’ll make our video about Rebekah’s summer of service and enter the competition. Who knows? Maybe a future blog post will show Rebekah and I working with the orphans in Costa Rica!
Even if she doesn’t the grand prize, we both feel like winners. She’s had fun using her imagination to come up with amazing ways to see and meet needs. I’ve been blessed to watch her take the lead and follow-through. Thank you, Adventures in Odyssey, for challenging us to A.C.T.S.!
It’s not too late to sign-up for A.C.T.S.!
Click on the image to download your service kit.
Visit the website to learn more about Adventures in Odyssey’s
summer challenge to serve.
(Click on image to download this free e-book)
Just for reading this blog post today, you get a free gift,
an e-book called “Voyage with the Vikings.”
There’s still a lot of summer days left to encourage your family to accept the summer challenge to serve. You can either join the Adventures in Odyssey program or serve in your own way.
I’d love to hear the things your family is doing to serve this summer. Many of you work at Bible camps, Vacation Bible School, or do short-term mission projects.
Those that comment will qualify to win the special package of The Imagination Station books #1-3 pictured above. I will choose a winner Wednesday, July 3rd and announce the winner in a blog post that day.
Encourage us by leaving a comment about the way your family serves!
I love that Beka has embraced doing this so enthusiastically. What I think I love even more is that she is learning to work with little neices and nephew to teach them as well ~ what a testimony to them!!! I love all her projects and that they can be done on her own or at least thought up on her own and then assistance from parent if needed.
Sadly… my girls didn’t quite embrace it the way I was hoping.Like you said, I wanted it to be “their thing” and not my prodding/nagging or all my ideas. My timid with other adults, girls, kinda felt nervous about it. Their tracking sheet is on the fridge and I ask them about it but they have only done one service. =/ I hope that we can do it again next summer when they are another year older – 9 & 7.
In the meantime, our family serves together at Bible camp for one week during the summer. Our local assembly is working on planning an outreach as well which will let them see us adults in the working mode ourselves. We are the best teachers/examples to our kids and if we want them to learn to serve, we’d best drag 😉 them along to watch. 🙂
We love Odyssey so here’s for hoping we’re winners in the drawing.
This is such a good thing for Rebecca and any other child (or adults to do similar things) as it grows her love for others and doesn’t put herself in the limelight like kids usually do. How much better for her to get attention for doing these wonderful things!! I love it!! Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week.
Thanks for hosting! It’s always fun to meet other mommies with like passions.
Our three older kids and husband love to work at our church’s food pantry, and they’re helping with a fundraiser at our local street fair. I get to stay home with the younger ones!
I love this idea, Danielle! There is such a need, I love that your church is involved. Thanks for sharing your ideas of service!
way to go Beka… wonderful to see what you have accomplished!
thanks for commenting. i know you have physical challenges, but i also know your heart has the same goals I have for your kids. What are some ways your girls serve in your home, Leanne?
Great kids have great Mommas!
aw, thanks, Kendra! then you must have AMAZING KIDS!