It’s that time of year.
Ghouls and goblins and witches and blood are everywhere.
We don’t go out shopping much during the month of October,
the images are a little graphic for my tender youngest child.
But, it’s time to buy one thing –
Halloween tracts!
I was surprised to discover that my two tract companies,
Good News Publishers and
American Tract Society joined together to further the Gospel.
The new name Crossway,
bears the banner of being a
Gospel-centered publisher.
Good thing, because very soon we will have hoards of kids
knocking on our doors asking for something sweet.
What could be sweeter than the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
For several years, we shut off our porch light and the house lights,
and hid in the basement with a movie and treats.
Then, an older believer inspired us.
”It’s the only time of the year that we have people
knocking on OUR door. I use the evening to pass out tracts.”
He also recommended giving out “good” candy
so generosity is associated with Christianity.
So, we changed the way we celebrate Halloween.
Last year, I made up about 100 sandwich sized Ziploc bags
with several pieces of candy and a tract.
We gave almost all of them away.
In fact, we’ve done this a few years now,
and I heard several comments from the kids,
”Oh, this is the house that gives us a bag of candy!”
I know that many of the kids will throw out the tract.
But, if a few read it,
if a few store away those precious seeds of the Gospel,
it will be worth it all.
Some years I’ve had special chocolate and special
literature for the moms.
I’m not Super Mom every year,
so this doesn’t happen every year.
I ordered last week, and received my tracts today,
so you still have time to order for Halloween.
Here are some of the titles I ordered.
Read text here.
A new tract not specifically for Halloween.
Read text here.
This is recommended for older children.
Read text here.
A friend on Facebook told me she is in a neighborhood
where nobody knocks on her door.
If that’s your situation, get creative.
I used to make Gospel Goody Bags,
a sandwich bags filled with a tract and a small toy or two.
Ya’ know, those Happy Meal things that seem to reproduce in the toybox?
You can give them out in the grocery store,
the doctor’s office,
the park,
while taking a walk.
Look for kids.
Give them the sweetest treat in the world,
the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ!
I’ve missed you on Blogger, Mindie. Now I see I can subscribe to you – which I just did. So I’m on board now.
That is a good way to use the day. Come visit me some time