He is able to guard us from falling. He can. He will. But we must trust Him. Moment by moment we must look into His face, and say, “Hold me up, and I shall be safe; keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings.”
He will never fail you nor forsake you. He will give His angels charge to keep you in all your ways. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wing you shall trust.
At the moment of temptation do this. Ask the Holy Spirit, whose office it is to bring all things to our remembrance, that He would remind you to look off to Jesus, when you are in danger. Entrust yourself each morning into His hands.
Look to Him to keep you looking. Trust in Him to keep you trusting. Do not look at your difficulties or weaknesses. Do not keep thinking that you will some day fall again.
Go through life, whispering, saying, singing, a thousand times a day, Jesus saves me now.
A friend always took time at night to consider quietly, in the presence of God, where she had lost ground during the day, she never slept until she had asked to be forgiven and restored.
He is willing and He is able, but are we able to submit our will?
"Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh"
It seems to be the most challenging aspect of a human – to submit to God's will. To completly trust God with our lives is a battle as our will fights to make it's own decisions. Submitting to God's will is so freeing though and just knowing that our lives are in His hands is the most awesome comfort one can know. Have a wonderful day Mindy! xxx