works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory
The Apostle Paul lists his light afflictions in chapter 11. A few mentioned include:
Paul could endure because the Lord Jesus did.
Time- Paul referred to the time of his suffering as “a moment”?
How could he say a moment? Because Paul was spiritually minded enough to compare his time on earth to eternity in Heaven. It is but a moment. In the blink of an eye, the lap of a wave, the extinguishing of a candle, life on earth will be over and we will be facing eternal life or eternal death.
Triumph – Paul understood all these things were working in his life to bring “glory”.
Trials are a very real part of life. We all have them. But, when we look at the lives of Paul and of the Lord Jesus Christ, ours can suddenly seem so small. The emphasis is not to think are trials are irrelevant because they aren’t the same magnitude; the emphasis is to have the same mindset as Paul. Can we lay before the Lord all that troubles our hearts, stumbles our thoughts, and hinders our prayers with this mindset – these are light afflictions and are but for a moment?
Makes my trials seem a little wimpy. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.
Great post.Only when I look back at the trials I have faced do I recognize how they made me strong.Be it a a day or a year, or several years, when I overcame the trial, it was only because I grew in my understanding of/ and reliance on God.