Temper-tantrums are an obvious sign of anger. There can be name-calling, door-slamming, yelling, and lashing out at others. It’s easy to spot, hard to subdue, but easily recognized as sin. The kettle is boiling over, but you can relieve the pressure, clean up the mess, and dinner can still be saved.
Anger can also be displayed as frustration, with exagerated sighs, fidgeting movements, curt replies, and distraction. It’s harder to identify as sinful anger, but easier to subdue with laughter or diversion. The kettle is boiling near the top, you lower the temperature, and all is well. If you don’t lower the temperature, it might boil over.
Other times, anger is displayed as quietness, with clenched jaws, rolling of eyes, snearing lips, and a seared heart. If practiced continually, it may be impossible for others to perceive, and the person may wrongfully feel they are “controlling” their anger, therefore impossible to subdue. It might be accepted as a state of victory, because the top didn’t blow.
But, it could be the deadliess form of anger if not rooted out. It can continue until the soul is barren and bitter. The forgotten kettle has run out of moisture and is scorched. By the time the lid is lifted, dinner might not be salvagable.
We’re quick to jump on obvious anger that manifests in temper-tantrums. It’s easy to spot and easy to correct. Without confession and apologies, guilt can be strong fall-out, which leads to more anger.
Dealing with temper-tantrums can be the hardest part of parenting.
But it’s crucial that we Mommies MUST reign over our emotions.
Yea, you were hoping I was talking about the kids. I’m not.
I’m talking about Naughty Mommies. I’m talking about them because I’m one of them.
If your children are throwing tantrums, first evaluate how YOU deal with pain, disappointment, accidents, offense, lack of sleep, lack of food (hypoglycemic, anyone?), relationships, and unanswered prayers.
No excuses, right? Just because we’re not feeling well, doesn’t give us permision to act naughty, right?
Isn’t that what we tell our kids?
Today, ask the Lord to give you insight to your own anger.
How do you react?
What are your causes?
We can’t correctly deal with our children’s temper-tantrums until we deal with our own.
Oh Mindy. You have just hit my nail on the head. I've been a very naughty Mommy these days. I have a certain oldest child who is at the top of another mountain of knowledge right now and she's really pushing my buttons. More often than not I am reacting as a horribly naughty Mommy and boiling over to the point of tears at bedtime. God is teaching me but I'm only learning slowly. I have ruined many suppers these days. Thanks for this blog. I need to do a LOT more examining my heart before the Lord. He sees me clear through, no secrets from Him. How can He love me so? I am thankful He doesn't ruin supper! THANK YOU!