I was surprised to discover most writers are introverts.
Because I’m obnoxious an extrovert, I assumed all writers were. Surprise! When I first started attending writers meetings years ago, I met many quiet, well-behaved people. I actually think writers are so busy talking to their imaginary characters and creating scenes in their minds, they can forget to interact with the real characters around them.
When introverted writers are told they need a social media platform and a marketing plan for their books, they panic. Wait, even extroverts panic, because we only daydream about writing our books. We never daydream about selling them.
But, today’s market demands writers are more than great writers, they must be savvy marketers.
Today’s Cool Tool is something I created for writers. I wanted to inspire writers and remove some of the panic they feel when they hear the word platform. To many, it feels more like walking the plank than promoting their brilliance captured in print.
Introverts fear approaching someone and introducing themselves, and are even more uncomfortable when faced with having to introduce themselves AND promote their book.
Imagine a bricklayer at work. Brick by brick, they build a wall higher and higher and higher. That’s how you build a platform – one brick of knowledge at a time. You don’t have to do it all at once, focus on one aspect of social media, conquer it, then move onto the next area. Last spring I added a Facebook Author Page (fan page) and began utilizing that.
Then I moved onto Pinterest. It’s so addicting, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pinterest Support Groups start popping up around the country. I recently read that people are clicking to Pinterest before Google, so if that’s where people are, that’s where writers need to be.
This Pinterest board was created to help writers begin the brick by brick process of building their author platform.
The bricks in this case are the pins on the board I named Book Launch and Author Platform. I visited websites from some of the great thinkers in the industry and pinned them. There are even some craft ideas sprinkled in for staging an author event. I’ll decorating our annual writers conference, Northwest Christian Writers Renewal with some of these projects. (Click on the graphic to take you to my Pinterest board.)
These are a few of the individual pins to show the variety. (click on any link to bring you to their web site.) The articles introduce you to the information, and to the people in the industry. This board will constantly be growing and changing as I discover new skills I need to learn. It’s like in high school and I’m doing your homework for you, but this isn’t cheating. I love helping other writers.
If you are on Pinterest already, you can follow the board. If you aren’t on Pinterest, save it to your favorites.
Grow your confidence and your platform by choosing and implementing one area of social media. C’mon, pick up one brick from this Pinterest board. When it’s solidly in place, pick up another one. Before you know it, you’ll be standing on a sturdy Author Platform.
Previous blog posts about Pinterest:
- Are ya’ Pinned yet?
- Your New Best Friend: The Pin It Bookmarklet
Guest post by Kim Vandel
(I LOVE using the Bookmarklet! It has made pinning almost effortless - How to Make It Easy for Pinners to Visit Your Blog
Guest post by Kim Vandel - Are You Suffering from Pinterest Guilt Syndrome?
- The Pinterest Me and The Real Me
Two bricks in my social media platform…
Great ideas. I shared this with my writers group.
Thank you, Ann! I appreciate your visit today. Blessings to your writers group, I love writing peeps! 🙂
HA!!! I just told Ski this week that Pinterest is my new Google.
I guess it surprises me too that most writers are introverts because I’m an obno…extrovert 😉 and it just seems to fit a blogger to be one? Letting others into their life seems to be more an extrovert thing. I’da know… You write it, I’ll believe it.