At first, when I drove through ND and saw those ditches filled with weeds, and the patches of the curse dotting grain fields, I saw beauty. I had to be reminded that they are noxious weeds and the farmers can’t be fooled by outward enticement of the colorful blooms, they must kill them.
Then, I saw spiritual beauty. Those prairie weeds represented all things I once considered beautiful and enticing, but the Lord saw them correctly as sin.
The curse of sin given to Adam’s race has been conquered by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am proof.
When I got saved at 18, the Lord graciously forgave me my sins and cleared the field of my heart from thorns and thistles. Sins that once looked so beautiful to me, were revealed to be the useless weeds.
And with the seed, the Word of God, planted daily in my heart, He has helped me to bear fruit. The Holy Spirit helps the harvest to be more bountiful, by showing me when weeds of sin have once again taken root in my heart.
Yea, even weeds preach a message of promised redemption to a fallen world.
Maybe I should have picked a bouquet after all. That would have been that many less weeds blowing their seed into Tom and Janet’s fields.
Thanks for sending me the link to your prairie blog! We are not done with harvest yet but have a rain break and I've been so busy trying to catch up on everything that I haven't checked in lately. I also figured you'd let me know when I was in the "spotlight". Thanks for coming to visit. It was a great time. Seems like HS was just yesterday. And you are so right about the weeds, but I do try to enjoy their beauty, especially when they are in the neighbors fields and not mine. 🙂
I liked your last paragraph…funny. True!!
I have never been to North Dakota, but when I was a kid, my mother always sang "Take me back to the black hills, the black hills of Dakota, to the beautiful Indian country that I love….."
Kimmie, I think I just found you blog hopping about a year ago. I loved your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for your family, and just wanted to be your friend. 🙂 I can't even remember which bloggy friend we have in common, but your honest faith and contagious joy have added to my life.
Great thoughts. Thanks.
What beautiful weed pictures and a lovely word to bind them to our hearts.How are you my friend?Kimmiemama to 8one homemade and 7 adopted
Interesting . . . a plowed field with NO weeds, will always turn back to its orginal state: full of weeds – may we be plowing our "own" ground daily to keep the weeds out.
God is good!North Dakota always sounds like a gorgeous area of your country. It is true though that the thorns and thistle grow in even the nicest looking places. So thankful the Lord has called and saved us!Lovely pics, Mindy.