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[…] in everything we Give Thanks. Easy to say, hard to do. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Stone from Dutch Mill, Inc.) As parents, we understand thank you. More than a bajillion times in our parenting history we’ll remind, instruct and downright nag our kids to use these two very lovely words. They’re two words that mean so much. But giving thanks is more than just vocalizing the right words, it’s to be grateful or to feel thankful. It’s an act that encompasses body, soul and spirit. It isn’t true thanksgiving without this trinity of our humanity. When someone has given us a gift that we couldn’t afford, didn’t expect, don’t deserve and couldn’t provide for ourselves, we feel indebted to them. In fact, sometimes our words seem lame, compared to the gratitude welling up within our hearts, but we say them anyway, hoping, in our weakness, to convey the depths of our thanksgiving. The Lord has given us a great gift that we couldn’t afford, didn’t expect, don’t deserve and couldn’t provide for ourselves. It’s right that we feel indebted to Him. It’s right that we go through life thankful for our beautiful Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. […]
I am slowly learning this lesson. Being thankful for the move to Alaska, AS we were moving, was a big step for me. …but as far as the days of 12 loads of laundry (I was sick…it piled up…)like today, I tend to forget to be thankful for the fact that we even have that much clothes….thanks for the reminder.