Gardening is my therapy. The fresh air and the immediate results of my work spurs on my creativity. It relieves the pressure building up in my mind and heart. It is a way to express what’s within without words.
Several times my husband has offered to hire garden help. I’ve always responded witxh, “Well, then you would have to hire a therapist for me.”
Between kids and climate, garden decor doesn’t last. It breaks, cracks, and fades. Galvanized tin been my best friend for a couple decades.
What my ancestors used to bath in, I plant in. There’s something about digging in the dirt, pulling weeds, planting flowers and seeds, that rejuvenates my heart and mind. I love being outside.
This year we had extra weeds. I was going to complain until I realized we had a pretty tough year as a family. The Lord knew I needed that extra “therapy.”
Creativity plus gardening is even better. I can’t even remember where the ammo box came from, but I was a little worried about decorating with it when I moved to Washington and realized they aren’t many hunters and gun owners.
Just think. Somebody else would have thrown away this gorgeous gas can. My treasure!
As soon as we purchased this house, I planted heather. I wanted something to bloom through the long, gray winter months. This heather has been blooming since December, and begins to fade as the rock cress begins to bloom.
A milk can from the Schill Farm, my best friend from high school, blooms with perennials on my front porch.
My parents know me well. When they went to my Uncle Dusty’s funeral, they brought me back this rock from his yard. It added the perfect touch to this vignette.
Gardening expresses creativity, family history, friendships, and even my faith.
Two years ago, I planted a Resurrection Garden in my yard. The internet is filled with fun projects to make with your kids, but I wanted one I wouldn’t throw away after Easter. See the original garden here.
My garden has preached the Gospel, the beautiful news of Jesus, for two years.
I imagine these railroad spikes closer to the size of the implements used to crucify Jesus.
Thomas didn’t believe that Jesus had been crucified.
John 20:25, 27-28
The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”
Jesus did appear and said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
Unbelief still exists. People don’t believe
the Lord Jesus
was buried,
and rose from the grave,
for their sins.
My garden preaches the Truth without words.
May you daily celebrate Resurrection power in your life. Through faith, we have access to the same power that conquered sin, death, and hell.
I just LOVE your idea of using galvanized containers!! Why didn’t you email me 20 years ago and pass on that idea then? Oh! We hadn’t “connected” yet!! Your resurrection garden in just beautiful and gives me inspiration for an area under the trees that I need to add lots of stuff….I think that is what I will do but with lots of varieties of Hostas because it is partially (mostly?) shaded. I had a good out-loud laugh when you said your (whatever they are called) have been blooming since December!! My therapy in the garden has just begun…and I am going outside again today even though it is kinda chilly!!
Well, I chose your blog to stop by before I got busy this morning 🙂 Thanks for having me!!
Your flowers make me jealous.
Sorry. 🙂 You can come visit anytime. I’ll let you pick all the flowers you want.
I love how your resurrection garden grew! Lovely post as well. To God be the glory.
Tandis, I feel like it’s been YEARS! Thanks for stopping by today. I love you!
It’s been awhile. 🙂 crazy things going on for us both. We should try for a phone chat soon.