While having dinner with friends one sunny October day, Beka got the opportunity of a lifetime to find out the truth of “where eggs come from” and decide “what came first, the chicken or the egg?”
I love these life Science lessons that just happen. We didn’t plan this, but were blessed by the experience.
She was a bit hesitant to open the door and let all the chickens out. She kept asking me if I was sure that was what Rick had said to do.
The organic eggs from free-range chickens tasted SO good. Made me almost wish we could have chickens in our backyard. Amost.
As for the “what came first dilemna” Beka figured it out. “Did God make chickens, Mom?”
The Lord created the chicken with seed, the egg, to reproduce after its own kind. Yep, the chicken came first.
How fun! Don't you love those "teachable moments"? Being a former school teacher, I love it when the boys have questions we can then dive into! Thank you for sharing! (I'm with you – no chickens please!)