Every child wants to be the angel in the Christmas play.
The wings and halo are just so enticing. So, when you are the only girl in the Sunday School class
and your mom writes the play, being chosen for the coveted role is a done deal.
I realized tradition and Scripture don’t always mesh. The angel in Christmas programs has always been a girl.
Then, my wise daughter asked me, “Mom, is Gabriel a girl’s name?”
I’m thinking to myself, “Duh, it’s a boy name.”
I smartly replied that Gabriel is a boy’s name for humans, but our angel was a girl.
What’s a mother to do?
Because we wanted to go for a dramatic entrance, and we didn’t have those wires that made Peter Pan fly, we settled for hiding the angel behind the piano when the adults were downstairs snacking on Christmas cookies and coffee.
Just as the shepherds were surprised many years ago, so was our audience.
The beautiful blonde angel popped from behind the piano, the talented piano player shared her bright light for a moment and the angel shone with glory while proclaiming,
“Fear not!
For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you;
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”
We actually heard a few gasps from the crowd, so we were delighted. Audience reaction is so rewarding, isn’t it?
“Angel we have heard on high
sweetly singing o’er the stage.”
This beautiful dress was sewn by a friend, Marilyn, when her daughter was in a wedding years ago.It’s hung in our closet waiting for Rebekah to grow into it. It was the perfect angel costume.
After spending the Saturday before the play sewing the other five costumes, I was beat. But, I still didn’t have angel wings.
Scott and I drove to a party storehoping to find a ready made pair. It was closed.
We had about 20 minutes before Michael’s closed,so ran through the aisles looking for something that
could quickly and easily be turned into wings.
Super large white chenille stems were found on the clearance aisle.
A few twists, a few twist ties to hold the twists in place, a few knots in skinny elastic, and angel wings were born.
“Good tidings of great joy.”
I’ll be honest, not feeling a lot of joy today.
I’m thinking of all I need to do, all I will never get done, and how to pull it all together in less than 48 hours.
All I really wanna’ do is sit in my pj’s and drink coffee.
We’ve been given good tidings that should bring us great joy.
Not just joy, great joy.
If there’s no joy, that’s our fault, not heaven’s.
He already provided all we need in a manger.
Nice job on the play and the wings too!! I have finally caught up on your blog as I got behind over the past couple weeks. Now when I have time I can catch up on your blogs before I became a blogger!!!!
Nice job on the play and the wings too!! I have finally caught up on your blog as I got behind over the past couple weeks. Now when I have time I can catch up on your blogs before I became a blogger!!!!
Beautiful angel, beautiful lesson.
Beautiful angel, beautiful lesson.
Stunning! Have a Merry Christmas!!
Stunning! Have a Merry Christmas!!
That is one beautiful angel, with a beautiful dress, AND beautiful wings!! I love church Christmas programs!Perhaps "Gabrielle" could be the name for your lovely female angel.
That is one beautiful angel, with a beautiful dress, AND beautiful wings!! I love church Christmas programs!Perhaps "Gabrielle" could be the name for your lovely female angel.
What a beautiful angel. :)A lovely blog, the greatest joy of all. Jesus. Thanks for the lovely blog.
What a beautiful angel. :)A lovely blog, the greatest joy of all. Jesus. Thanks for the lovely blog.