My husband decided if I was going to suffer, he was going to suffer along with me.
He took sick leave so he could attend all the doctor visits with me, and today he vowed to go on the high protein, high fat diet with me. It consists of meat, cheese and only a few vegetables.
Scott also cooks for me when I have special dietary needs. This time, he got off pretty easily, the diet is only 36 hours. The low-iodine diet for the radioactive iodine scan lasted three weeks.
For lunch today, I had filet mignon and bacon. Since I was so tired, he even cut it into little pieces for me.
He had filet mignon, too. He is certainly feeling my pain! And, he let Beka watch Andy Griffith during lunch.
Tonight he presented me a plate with fresh chicken, cauliflower and smoked cheddar cheese. I horsed it down before I could photograph it. Oh, the suffering at our house was unbearable today!
We’re thankful the Lord, His Word and His people have upheld us, and will continue to do so, throughout this time of uncertainty.
Praying for you, my friend! And I’m sure that Scott suffered a whole lot with that steak. BTW – pulled out some old college photos this past week. What a trip!Pam