Do you ever just type and type and type and just feel the words flying off your fingertips? You feel that it is going really well, just as if you were totally inspired and that
you were created to write.
Then, you just sit there and look at that post, the one that you just finished.
It needs just a little correcting, a little editing, a little changing. That just shouldn’t be that hard, should it?
Except that sometimes, we’re just married to our words.
We just love them and we can’t kill
them. But, that is just what we have to do.
Inspiration doesn’t guarantee perfection. Inspiration is the passion in the marriage between our heart and words, editing is the marriage counseling. We need both.
Good thing Windows Live Writer has a way that is just going to make your life easier and your writing better. It’s free marriage counseling for your writing. You’re not using WLW yet? I wrote two blog posts about it, just for you. Click the link above. Oh, you like frustration when you blog? Oh, well, read this anyway. You can still learn something today as we talk about another Cool Tool.
See? Look!
the words that you just love to use the most. Check out Words and Phrases to Avoid if you can’t see the error of your way yet. There’s even a great reason to not overly use the word was.
Just as I thought. I just use that word too much.
See that little blue box around one of my justs? Remember that the cute little dialogue box had a button?
Click on it to shoot that blue box from JUST to JUST and you can just delete or substitute the words.
Doesn’t that just stink? You can just check for other words that you use too much, while you’re at it.
If you aren’t using Windows Live Writer to blog yet, drop your text into a Word document and use the same functionality. Click on then look on the far right.
Christian clichés you use too often or use to express a vague reaction instead of a definite action. I recently wrote an article and discovered with my handy-dandy search I’d used the same word four times in a section. OOPS! I wasn’t saying it strong enough the first time.
it was encouraging
I was moved
blessed me
The sermon was so encouraging, it just blessed me.
Instead of speaking Christianese, get to the heart of the matter. How did what you hear change you? Did it cause you to act? Were you convicted? Don’t tell us you looked in the mirror and walked away. Tell us what you saw in the mirror and what you did about it when you walked away.
words you tend to use incorrectly. I forget to put the capital “P” in the middle of WordPress. In one of my tutorials I called a product Microsoft Live Writer instead of Windows Live Writer. Easy to find, easy to fix.
adverbs by typing “ly” into the dialogue box and choosing “Match case.” It’s commonly taught to seriously avoid using adverbs. Another instructed when to use them.
It’s the difference between my husband and my daughter pounding in a ten penny nail. My husband squarely hits the nail on the head with three strokes and imbeds the nail in the wood. My daughter taps, taps, taps, taps. She bends the nail. She straightens the nail. She taps, taps, taps and taps some more. Eventually, the nail is in the wood. It ain’t pretty, but it’s done. We should write the way a strong man pounds nails.
helps you write with clarity and confidence.
What words or phrases do you overuse? Do you have any other writing problems could help fix? Please share your personal example in the comments. Just please don’t use that word just too much, that would just drive me crazy.
I hope you keep your writing juices flowing and share more tip about writing. Not that I haven’t seen them over the years in grammar books, LOL, it just is good to be reminded. You bring writing alive. Live Writer…punny isn’t it?! I am going to try again to set up Live Writer.
Wish I could help, but I JUST can’t figure out what your problem is. I know you’ll love WLW! Did you check the Microsoft website for help? Sometimes they have guys online you just email back and forth or an 800 number.
I think if I started using that I would just fire myself from blogging. =/ yikes.
However, just like marriage counseling, it does seem wise to heed.
Had a few laughs at your pictures. The big eyes looking down cracked me up. You’re funny!!
Great blog!
Aw, thanks. I know, once I started reading all the “rules” about using infinitives and ing words and ly words and adjectives and adverbs, I couldn’t think of anything I could use. Will be blogging about that soon. 🙂
Another fabulous tip about Windows Live Writer – loving it, by the by. I just have the “just” habit pretty bad, so I’ll be checking that out. Thanks.
That is just the best news I’ve heard! Love that you love WLW! Thanks for always speaking up, when people leave comments it’s like making a friend. 🙂
Thanks for this post, Mindy. I use a Mac, but can do something similar. I never thought about looking for my common repetitions and mistakes with the help of my computer.
Joan, thanks for stopping by, it is always good to hear from you. I make so many mistakes as a writer, I need all the help I can get. I’m thankful I could help you out, you’re a very experienced writer and I enjoy your writing. Hope to see you at Conference.