I kinda’ don’t like to cook. I’ve been cooking as long as I can remember and I am a little battle weary. I used to do the homemade meals, homemade breads, quick breads, cookies, candies, jams, jellies, pickles, salsa, on and on and on. I had the huge garden. I cooked and canned with all the best of them in them in the Midwest.
Then, we moved to the West coast. Out here, we grow moss in our yards, have huge slugs and we have more critters in town to eat gardens than I had living in the farm country of North Dakota. We rented our first year so gardening was out.
Then, I got cancer. The recovery was very slow, over a year, as I learned to live with artificial hormones and finished treatment. We bought a house. I continued to recover. Dinner became a family workshop with everyone pitching in to try to keep our meals timely and healthy. I remember the kids victoriously celebrating when I made dinner for the first time all by myself. The younger kids NEVER remember that I USED to made things like lasagna, pizza, brownies and breakfast.
Then, I got lazy. Hey, once you’ve bought Stouffers, who wants to go to all the work to make lasagna? Once you know the number to three different pizza delivery places, who wants to make their own pizza?
Now, I am sick of my cooking. I’ve been reading cooking blogs long enough to inspire myself to get back into the Mommy mode of preparing new and interesting meals.
I had a nap today, so I was ready to tackle something simple. With a leftover cooked roast to warm up, all I needed to make was a new side dish.
A recipe from Ellie from Homecooking In Montana had been taunting my tasetbuds all weekend. Plus, it looked easy. I printed out the pages from her blog with her amazing photography and step by step directions.
I had to boil new potatoes until fork tender.
Sounded easy. I just wasn’t sure how tender fork tender was. I overcooked them. Notice how close I left the plastic spoon to the burner. I’m amazed I didn’t start it on fire. That happens a little too often around here.
I was supposed to line my cookie sheet with parchment paper. I’ve never owned that in my life. I hoped aluminum foil would work.
I was supposed to crush the potatoes carefully. I couldn’t find my potato masher. I couldn’t even remember how many years it has been since I used it. Did I get rid of it when I started buying Potato Buds? Did the kids take it? If they did, do I want to know what they did with it?
I tried this other utinsel thing, I don’t know what it is called, but I have had it for years and never use it. It just looks cool and old.
Ellie, thanks for dropping by. I appreciate your encouragement, along with your recipes. I've always enjoyed your blog, and see my daughter is now a follower, too. Good, because she didn't learn much in the kitchen from me.OM – I am back up to almost full strength and am thankful for that. Unfortunately, healing didn't make me a better cook…that's up to me. :)Laurie – We all know the truth is, you laughed until you probably wet your pants, or danced to the bathroom with your legs crossed! Everyone, meet the sister who CAN cook!
I laughed until the tears poured. Of course, I do that on most of your posts. Thanks for being so hilarious — it totally refreshes my days. Laurie
Hilarious! I think your potatoes look fabulous also. I assume you are still recovering a lot, even though you called yourself lazy. I have a hard time believing that. I know what it's like to have cooking burnout. Kathy Morell is still a good cook and gives me a cooking jab in the arm when we visit, but I struggle with it also. I'm sure your family is learning to cook and help out a lot. It's great to have you come and comment on the blog once in a while.
MommaMindy,You absolutely amaze me! I got teary eyed reading your post…I felt the need to give you a hug right through the computer screen! I am so touched by your story,…the Lord bless you for encouraging ME! By the way, I really think your potatoes came out wonderful…I can see them in the pictures:)… just the way they should be. Glad your family enjoyed them!