Mountains perfectly represent our sufferings and trials. When we need to overcome a sin or master a new skill, it is a mountain to us. Even the daily grind of living can seem as though we are ascending a great mountain and we can weaken under life’s load as our feet struggle to find a sure path.
From a Boeing 737, I gain persepective. The mountains are molehills. I can see which slope would be the easiest to conquer. I can see where the most snow is and the rockiest ledges.
Or, if they did use the guidebook and listened to the voice, when they conquered the mountain would they forget the guide on the downside? Would they run back to the flatland, filled with their own pride and power in conquering the mountain, and not give credit to the one who led them to the high places?
Or would they go back down the mountain and spread the news of the greatest guidebook to conquer the mountains and praise the voice that guided them to victory?
Would they pass out the book and teach others to heed the voice?
When you think your mountains are inconquerable, remember God’s point of view.
14 from his dwelling place He watches
Remember, He wrote a guidebook and He’ll whisper the directions in your ear.
When He makes your mountains into molehills, remember to praise Him.
Great blog! I love the incredible view of mountains and then thinking about how much more incredible God is for creating them.
A great analogy, Mindy. So many mountains to cross. Trying to stay focused on the guide book and the guide! Thanks.How is your own little mole hill these days? Hope you are keeping okay. As I have mentioned before. your analogies and insights are very encouraging, knowing your own trials. xo
Mindy, very thought provoking. When I look at the mountains, I also see the valleys. Everything is in God's plan and we need both. I really desire to follow His guidebook in everything I do. Thanks for the reminder.