Experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
A healthy breakfast starts the day out right and prevents that mid-morning slump. Since 1933, General Mills has promised that eating a healthy breakfast can make you a Champion. Their slogan inspires and sells.
As parents, we’ve repeated this expert opinion and bought those cereals. We’ve given the breakfast lecture repeatedly and freely advise how to make this a lifestyle commitment.
- Get up early enough to allow time to eat.
- Keep breakfast food on hand so you’re prepared.
- Choose simple breakfast options so you’ll follow through.
We need to set a good example. We need to fill up in the morning so we have the energy and ability to carry on until noon. A hungry mommy can be a crabby mommy. Along with traditional healthy breakfast options, I keep my pantry stocked with dried fruits and nuts. I’ve tried a variety of breakfast casseroles, quick breads and instant options. There’s always a quest to make a healthy breakfast faster.
After friends visited Colombia and brought me a present, I have my new favorite ethnic breakfast.
This is MY favorite Breakfast of Champions, what’s yours?
Breakfast? what is that? Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 17:46:21 +0000 To: [email protected]
Adam love love loves these things: He gets all lovey eyed after ive made them. Hahaha! I love them too. Could use whole grain wraps and add veggies to healthy them up 😀
That IS a man breakfast! Meat, potatoes and ya’ get to eat with your hands. I should try that over the holidays, will have a house full. Thanks!
Green tea with milk and honey plus a bowl of plain Greek yogurt mixed with fresh berries….yes, I’m rather crunchy granola in my breakfast choices….
Sounds delicious, Kendra! My daughter introduced me to Greek yogurt a few years back and for someone who needs more protein, it’s been a great addition to our lives. Reminds me that I have a few that need to be eaten…
I’m pretty sure that since we have a real, live, JETa, that we need those Jet things. 😉
Breakfast of champions here is: homemade yogurt smoothie with oats ground in, frozen berries, spinach or kale, chai seeds, vitamin C&D added and some milk = YUMM-O!
And these days I’ve been brewing “SEATTLE’S BEST COFFEE” and thinking of my good friend Mindy, while I drink it. Seriously. 🙂 Hubby likes to buy Dunkin’ Donuts brand but I always feel guilty… hehehe.
Your smoothies sound great! Have you blogged the recipe yet? Beka and I would rather drink our breakfast, anyway. :0 Seattle’s BEST! YES! You go, girl!
Mindy! What friends brought you gifts from Colombia? (By the way, the country is spelled with two o’s.) So fun! I love Jet bars…still learning to like coffee though. 🙂
Oh, my goodness! I even knew that and I even used spell check. Thanks for being smarter than WordPress and me. They prolly thought I was talking about the jacket. Scott has a coworker from Colombia. His aunt is an artist so not only are we exposed to great food, but beautiful art and beautiful people!