During Sunday morning worship a few months ago, we were singing the beautiful old hymn, “Nailed Upon Golgotha’s Tree” and meditating upon the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the lines says,
“Scorners tell Him to come down,
Claim His kingdom and His crown.”
I continued to meditate on this thought for several days.
The suffering of the Lord Jesus was necessary for redemption. Some refused to understand, scorning instead of repenting.
Just as people don’t understand the purpose of the Lord’s suffering for our redemption, they don’t understand the purpose of our suffering in the life of a Christian.
Scorners tell Christians to come down from their place of suffering.
They don’t understand the blatant teaching in the Scriptures that suffering has to be a part of the Christian’s life because it was a part of Christ’s life.
In the midst of our suffering, whether over health, or finances or relationships, we are often advised in ways to avoid the suffering, rather than be refined by the suffering.
When you suffer physically, you might be told that God does not desire for you to suffer, and that you need more faith to be healed.
If there is a troubled relationship, you might be advised to quit the relationship.
Troubles might be viewed as surprises to the Lord, instead of part of His plans. In reality, He causes or allows the troubles, and tells us not to be surprised.
Scorners don’t understand.
They don’t understand God’s plan in suffering, and they don’t understand God’s purpose in suffering.
I just wrote my whole comment and it didn't go through, lol!Well, I just wanted to say amen! Those difficult times are when the Lord molds and shapes us, and He makes us more like Him.They aren't fun and we don't like them but we need them in our walk of faith! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!
I just wrote my whole comment and it didn't go through, lol!Well, I just wanted to say amen! Those difficult times are when the Lord molds and shapes us, and He makes us more like Him.They aren't fun and we don't like them but we need them in our walk of faith! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!
This was nice, Mindy. Too often we think that as Christians we're going to have an "easy" button. We don't grow or lean on the Lord when times are good, He uses the hard stuff to teach us. Thanks!
This was nice, Mindy. Too often we think that as Christians we're going to have an "easy" button. We don't grow or lean on the Lord when times are good, He uses the hard stuff to teach us. Thanks!