Cultivating faith in the heart of a child is an important part of parenting.
Last night, Rebekah called me into her room to show me a list of special Bible verses she’d made. I love to watch her heart beginning a journey of seeking after the Lord.
What’s even more beautiful is knowing the Lord is more delighted in Rebekah’s growing desire than me. Though it seems it couldn’t get any better than this, it does.
The Lord loves true seekers, and doesn’t turn them away.
Jeremiah 29:13And you will seek Meand find Me,when you search for Mewith all your heart.
As parents, we have the privilege of teaching our children about salvation. We all know, and sometimes weep over our failings, our example is crucial.
Our kids need to see us reading and studying the Bible. They need to see us praying – not worrying – praying. They need to see us enjoying fellowship around the Lord Jesus Christ. They need to see that we are serious about soul-winning.
They need to see life service, not lip service.
However, we can rejoice that their salvation is not dependent on our perfection, it is dependent on His perfection.
Humility in our failings, and our ability to love and thank the Lord for His grace and mercy, is still a testimony.
In the end, we must understand, salvation is dependent on the Lord’s sure promises to save – and our child’s desire to be saved.
We sow the seeds of the Gospel, we water the seed with much prayer and tears, then wait to see the seed take root. How to Lead a Child to Christ is a wonderful book on winning the souls of children. It is very useful for parents or anyone working in children’s ministries.
If you are feeling the need for a little extra encouragment today, as you think about your soul-winning privilege, feel free to use Rebekah’s list.
You can look at it whenever you want to.
(Offered with the comment,
“But don’t worry Mom, it isn’t anything disgusting.”)
Oh how precious!! Love the comment about the Song of Solomon verse. She's just too cute.
"don't worry Mom, it isn't anything disgusting". Too cute.Made me chuckle.
Now that was beautiful! No greater joy can be brought as you watch the heart of a child seek the Lord. Thanks for sharing.
Rebekah, what a joy! You make me laugh.
How wonderful! I was just praying this morning that my children come to a real understanding of Jesus and salvation at a young age. Your thoughts reminded me what sort of impact my actions can have on that.