I don’t wanna work all summer,
all momma’s need play time,
so I enlist help from my kids.
It’s not just for my relief,
but for their benefit.
I don’t want to send helpless people into the world.
I had many items that needed to be spray painted.
Good job for a 14 year old boy, huh?
When I offer him manly jobs,
he’s a lot more enthusiastic and reliable.
He followed my spray-painting directions
and finished off several items.
No drips!
I was impressed.
He also painted another umbrella stand
and cleverly put a bead of clear silicone caulk
along the underside
so it won’t scratch my deck.
Of course, the only day it is 90 degrees,
is the day I wanted to take a picture of my new outdoor lanterns.
This picture made me decide to paint the wicker furniture, too.
Like many bloggers,
I am broadcasting my growing addiction to spray paint.
Whether for ecological or financial reasons,
pressing that little button to release new life
is amazing.
Ugly things,
that others did or would have discarded,
find new glory,
new purpose,
new admiration.
It is also addicting.
I read blogs about the glorious transformations
made by covering ugly objects with aerosol beauty,
and looked at my surroundings with new eyes.
What could I redeem from the dumpster?
In a fallen world,
even spray paint can preach the Gospel.
Romans 4:7
Blessed are they
whose iniquities are forgiven,
and whose sins are covered.
All who trusted Christ as Savior,
had their sins gloriously covered in His blood.
We are now objects with useful beauty.
Others may look at our transformation,
and desire to be changed, too.
Once we’re redeemed,
we just keep touching up those sins
with forgiveness.
Do you have some covering to do in your life?
When you’re done with that,
maybe go buy some spray paint.
covering ugly
is addicting.
Now that's what I call "application." Smooth job!