“More Than Conquerors” sounds cool when launched off the lips of Christians trying to flex their spiritual muscles and proclaim a power they’re not really feeling.
It might be displayed on t-shirts and Bible covers, but not always in lives.
We have to remember, this phrase powers over a Nike slogan. They just do, Christians more than conquer.
This phrase is a compound word in the original Greek language HUPERNIKAO, to vanquish beyond.
HUPER – translated above, chiefest, exceedingly abundantly, exceedingly, very highly
NIKAO – translated overcome, conquer, prevail, get the victory
Yep, Nike got their name from the same root, NIKE, the means of success.
We absolutely have the exceedingly abundantly conquering power, but we struggle to tap into that power.
Here’s another place HUPER is used.
Philippians 2:9, “God has also highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above (HUPER) every name.”
We can have HUPER conquering power because our Savior has a HUPER Name above all Names.
When I read about HUPER, I can’t help but hear the way my relatives would say it.
The upper Midwest has a lilting, Scandinavian accent, especially the older generation. Growing up in North Dakota I couldn’t hear it because I was surrounded by it. We moved to Kansas for seven years and y’all know what? When I came back I could hear the big ol’ Norvejhun accent. They love their vowels, full, round and long.
Ya’ gotta’ hear them say SUPER with their accent. Not the meal, the adjective used to express great delight and happiness.
It takes me a half second to say super. Depending on the age of the speaker and how close they live to the Canadian border, they can take up to three seconds to say this word.
The syllables are drawn out long enough to ascend and descend the accent mountain.
First you go just a little down with the first syllable, like you’re revving up the vowel engine, then charge up with the full vowel sound, SUUUUUUUUUUU, then coast back down, PERRRRRRRRRR.
The R’s are very round and full at the end of words. It’s not the East coast where their r’s just fall off the end with a weak schwa sound. Scandinavians say their R sound an extra long time, then kinda’ swallow it.
The only thing better than SUPER is SUPER DUPER. Nothing is better than the superlative SUPER DUPER.
Let’s get back to that Super Duper Greek word Huper and the super translation – “EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY, EXCEEDINGLY and VERY HIGHLY.”
Romans 8:37 "In all these things we are more than conquerors (HUPER) through Him that loved us."
What are the THINGS Paul is speaking about? Go back a few verses.
v. 35 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”
Oh. Those things.
As soon as the words tribulation and distress are mentioned, we fill in our own blanks. We all have burdens and heartbreaks that cause us to cry out to the Lord.
In America we Christians don’t generally have to be concerned about nakedness, but there’s sexual abuse. We don’t face physical swords, but there’s spiritual wickedness after our families and churches. Have unbelievers in your family? There could be persecution. Lost a job? You might not be suffering a famine yet, but are worried about provision.
Recognize the words exceedingly abundantly from another verse?
Ephesians 3:20, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding (HUPER) abundantly above (HUPER) all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”
We can live as HUPER conquerors because of His HUPER Name and His ability to answer our prayers HUPER above what we ask or think.
We just need to remember to ask. Pray without ceasing. Don’t give it to the Lord in prayer and take it back in worry. Pray until you pray.
Yes, we can live as “more than conquerors” because of Him! So true. Now I’ve got that song going through my head, lol! Oh well, it’s a good song!
You should have left a video reply, since I don’t know that song! 🙂
So easy to say and sing, so much harder to do. I find most of the time I blog to remind myself. Thanks for stopping by!
It is an easy thing to throw out, More than conquerors. Oh it is easy to say, but sooooo hard to live when the rubber meets the road. I loved what you wrote on my last blog post, biting your tongue when someone is having a hard time with the small things in life. Oh, I’ve had to bite mine too, because I’ve found if I poo poo their situation, I’m not loving them where they are at and it makes me self righteous and full of self pity. I have to remember, I was there once, little problems that seemed so big. It is all relative. Love them through it, and don’t compare. I can’t tell me how many times people have stopped in their tracks as they were telling me their problems and said, “oh, but this is nothing compared to what you are going through”. I tell them to continue, it’s OK. It is all relative. It is real to them, but it does give them a little perspective too. Hmmmm, lots to think about. As always, thank you for your loving comments and encouragement. It helps me continue to share my heart with others. I will say a pray for you and your prodigals right now.
The ministry of suffering isn’t easy, is it sister? Yet, that’s what the Lord calls it. We don’t see it that way. To us it’s an accident, an oversight, something we don’t deserve…
Thank you for praying! I feel prayers are giving me the faith to take the next breath and take the next step.
Great post Mindy!! I never thought of the origin of the Mid-Western accent but I can hear people saying things like you said. Good points you brought out.
Have a super duper huper day!!
Thanks for the encouragement and for the visit! Comments are so encouraging, they’re like the SELAH or AMEN!