Weeks after the grandkids visited in November,
I found a precious reminder Brayden left behind.
I opened the drawer to my vintage coffee table,
and there was a snack he was saving.
I left them there.
They reminded me of my sweet little man-cub, Bubba.
Wouldn’t ya’ know, when he came back months later,
he went looking for those Cheerios?
For a few days after the grandkids leave,
we find little reminders.
Little toys tucked into odd corners.
Things put in drawers randomly.
Pacifiers (deet-dees) hidden in places a child shouldn’t have been.
Sippy cups set down as if the kids will finish them any moment.
My Gramma heart doesn’t count it a mess,
she counts it a memory.
So, when I opened that little drawer and heard the Cheerios rattle around,
I was comforted.
I told myself as long as were Cheerios in the drawer,
Brayden would come back to finish his snack.
Though I miss them, long to hold them,
and wish I could be with them each moment,
I’m comforted knowing they’ll be coming back to visit again.
I won’t be separated from them forever.
The Lord Jesus knew when He left the earth,
He would need to provide comfort for the believers,
until He could come back for them.
However, He didn’t leave a
He left a
He sealed the believers with the Holy Spirit,
the Comforter.
As we read His Word,
pray to Him,
speak to one another about Him,
and listen to messages about Him,
our hearts should be burning with that same love and longing –
He’s coming back.
Sometimes, we want Him to return to deliver us from sickness.
I admit -I look forward to leaving behind a cancer-cursed body.
Sometimes, we want Him to return to deliver us from relationship problems.
I admit – some relationships might only be healed
by being in Heaven together.
Sometimes, we want Him to return to deliver us from trials.
I admit – I look forward to Him wiping away my final tear.
I’m pretty sure He has cases of my tears bottled up.
Sometimes, we want Him to return because we long to be with Him.
We long to thank Him, face-to-face, for suffering for us.
We long to worship at His feet with a pure, sinless heart.
We long to sing praises with myriads of angels,
to the One who deserves all glory, honor and praise.
We long for Him because we love Him.
Until then, we have this comfort sealed in our hearts,
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I recently found your blog (this one and your home school one), and I find them both so encouraging.
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I recently found your blog (this one and your home school one), and I find them both so encouraging.